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Q: Which states wasNOT part of the Middle Colonies?
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Where were the Middle Colonies located in 1776?

IN 1776 the Middle Colonies were located in the north east part of the United States. They covered the states of New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Delaware.

Is Jamestown in the middle colonies?

No. Massachusetts is part of the northern colonies.

Are the thirteen colonies the same as the middle colonies?

No,the Middle colonies are only a part!!!!!!!!!

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middle colonies

What states where part of the middle colonies?

The middle colonies consisted of the states of Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Delaware. They were some of the most ethnically diverse of all areas and considered to more tolerant of mixed beliefs than the other colonies.

New Jersey is what part of the colonies?

in the thirteen colonies, it was the middle region

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he was an important part of the middle colonies

What do new England middle colonies and southern colonies have in common?

All in the U.S.A and each part of the southern colonies.

Was Virginia part of the 13 colonies or the Confederacy or both?

Virginia was part of the Confederate states of America as well as the 13 colonies.

Which of these would have been MOST likely to be a significant part of the Middle colonies' economy in 17th century North America?

Shipbuilding was a significant part of the Middle colonies' economy in 17th century North America.

What landforms are in the backcountry colonies?

Between the atlantic coastal plainer the piedmont.the piedmont stretches across the middle colonies and part of the southern colonies