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An organelle called the nucleus is where DNA is found in plants and animals.

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Q: Which structure contains DNA in plant and animal cells?
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What's the difference in ribosomes in animal cells and plant cells?

Plant cells have a rigid structure, while animal cells have a more flexible structure.Explanation...A plant cell contains a cell wall (made primarily of cellulose) which gives the cell a rigid structure. Animal cells do not contain cell walls, so they have a more flexible structuredefined by their underlying cytoskeleton.Both plant cells and animals divide.In both plant cells and animal cells, the DNA is stored in the nucleus.Plant cells carry out photosynthesis, while animal cells do not.------------------------------------------------------------------

Is THE nucleus is a plant structure or a animal structure?

It is the part that controls both animal and plant cells

What structure are found in plant cells but are not in animal cells?

what 2 cell parts are found in plant cells but not animal cells

Which structure is found in plant cells but not in an animal cells?


What structure is in plant and animal cells?


What is the difference between plant cell and animal cells?

an animal cell contains a nucleus as does the plant cell. the plant cell contains a cell wall but the animal cell contains a cell membrane. they bothe have the same purpose to protect the inner layer of the cells. a plant cell has a vacoule which is a storage area for cytoplasm and an animal cell does not. a plant cell also contains chloroplast which is a pigment to give the plant cells its green color.

What plant cell structure contains chlorophyll?

all plant cells does

Which cell contains plant cells and animal cells?

The nucleus

What is one structure found in animal cells that is not in plant cells?

Animal cells have lysosomes and plants cells do not.

Do a plant or animal cells contains a chloroplasts?

okay, animal cells don't have chloroplasts!! only plant cells do!! chloroplasts give the plant its green color!!

Is a cell membrane a plant structure or animal structure?

Cell membranes are found surrounding both plant and animal cells

Name a structure present in a plant cell but not in an animal cell?

Chloroplasts, central vacuole and cell wall