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Q: Which structure is lined with rings of cartilage?
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What structures keep the trachea supported and open?

The trachea is a firm cartilaginous tube and is a self supporting structure

What is made up of c-shaped rings of cartilage?

The trachea is a tube made of c-shaped rings of cartilage. This structure gives it flexible but strong support.

What is a tube made-up of c-shaped rings cartilage?

The trachea is a tube made of c-shaped rings of cartilage. This structure gives it flexible but strong support.

What structures are involved in the air distribution function of the respiratory system?

Organ Structure Larynx - made up of cartilage- contains the vocal cords; two highly elastic folds Trachea - a hollow tube surrounded by tough, flexible C-shaped cartilage rings- lined with cilia - lined with mucus secreting cells Lung - composed of the bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli

How does the structure of the primary bronchi compare with that of the trachea?

Trachea contain cartilage rings, and is the long tube that goes to the lungs. The bronchi contain cartilage plates and are the branching tubes that go to the lungs.

Why trachea never collapse when there is insuficient air in it?

cartilage rings give support to trachea to open all the time

Air conducting tube that connects the larnx with the bronchi is lined with mucous membranes and cila and contains strong cartilage rings?


What is the tube held open by rings of cartilage lined with cilia and mucous membrane?

The trachea.

How is the trachea kept open yet able to bend?

cartilage rings

Do bronchioles have cartilage rings?

No, cartilage is only contained up until the bronchi. The bronchioles and onward do not contain any cartilage rings, only smooth muscle.

What is the definition of bronchide?

The bronchide are the divisions of the bronchi of which are the two tubes which are split from the trachea or the windpipe.The larger bronchioles are lined with full rings of cartilage but the smaller ones that can easily collapse are lined with flattened cuboid shaped epithelial cells.

Which structure in humans in lined with ciliated mucous membrane is supported by cartilaginous rings and functions as a passage way for air?

The trachea