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The mammary glands do not secrete milk during the first three months of pregnancy. The mammary glands produce milk to feed the baby when the baby is born AFTER pregnancy.

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Q: Which structure prepares the mammary glands to secrete milk during the first three months of pregnancy?
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Yes. One characteristic unique to mammals is mammary glands. They are glands that secrete milk.

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Mammary glands are the source of milk production in female (and some male) mammals

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Can mammary glands secrete after the long period of gape of childbirth without any pregnancy?

Yes. I breast fed for 15 months, then after another 2 years I was having secretions. I checked with my doctor and she said it is rare, but should not last long. If your are having concerns, check with your doctor.

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They secrete bile. They secrete bile.

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Duct cell and acinar cell. Upon detection of acid food, protein, and fats.

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