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Q: Which substance gives sulphur dioxide when heated in air?
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Is limestone gives off carbon dioxide when heated physical or chemical?

chemical. a new substance was produced

Balanced symbol equation for burning sulfur in oxygen to make sulfur dioxide?

Sulphur plus Oxygen gives Sulphur dioxide.... S + O2 = SO2

Which gives sulfur dioxide when heated in air?

Burning elemental sulfur in air will create sulfur dioxide.

A white solid is heated and gives off carbon dioxide and water?

If a solid is heated to give off carbon dioxide and water, it must contain at carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atoms. One such substance is the bicarbonate ion, which is formed from hydrogen and water with the loss of a proton. In fact, when salts of this ion are sufficiently heated, they decompose to water and carbon dioxide.

What is the word equation for sulfur plus oxygen?

"sulphur+oxygen->sulphur oxide."Se + O2 under pressure renders SeO2 (selenium dioxide). "Comment on the fact that the analagous reaction between sulphur and oxygen, although extremely slow, gives a product with a different stoichiometry". Part 1A Inorganic Chemistry Paper, University of Oxford, 2008.So the paper suggeststhat sulphur dioxide is not the product of direct combination of sulphur and oxygen. Why is this? Is it contaminated with some SO3?I think it's actually sulphur dioxide rather than sulphur oxide as someone else suggested. If you look at the reaction of carbon and oxygen, it doesn't produce carbon oxide, but carbon dioxide. So therefore I think if:Carbon + oxygen --> carbon dioxideThen:Sulphur + oxygen --> Sulphur dioxide

After the red blood gives oxygen it picks up what substance?

Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

What type of mixture is coal?

Coal is a compound and a mixture. It is a Black Shiny rock. Its principal elements is CARBON. , but since it is compressed organic matter it will contain Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulphur. Coal is mined and then heated in COKE OVENS. This gives an impure form of carbon. The other compounds given off, are Carbon Dioxide, Water, Methane, Ammonia, sulphur dioxide, Hydrogen Sulphide. All these gases are captured and put to use to make other chemicals.

If a substance changes its color and gives off a gas when heated is it a compound?

Not necessarily. Any combustible chemical, such as engineering polymers, will likely do that.

What causes the gases in acid rain to be produced and released into the atmosphere?

Some gases present in acid rain* Sulphur dioxide, SO2 * Nitrogen oxide, NO * Nitrogen dioxide, NO2 * Carbon dioxide, CO2 (in excess amounts)The abovementioned gases are acidic in the sense that when they dissolve in water, they will react to form acids. For example, sulphur dioxide when released into the atmosphere will eventually be oxidised such that it forms sulphuric acid, H2SO4.The gases originate from both man-made and natural sources. Man-made sources * Vehicles. The combustion of fuel produces carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and oxides of nitrogen (NO / NO2). * Coal factories. Coal contains carbon, which when combusted gives rise to carbon dioxide. There are also impurities like sulphur, which are oxidised to form sulphur dioxide during the burning process.Natural sources* Volcano eruptions. Large volumes of gases such as sulphur dioxide are expelled into the air when this takes place.Note: These are but a few (very few, actually) examples.

When iodine is heated?

when iodine is heated it gives voilet vapours

How oxygen is prepared in lab using potassium chlorate?

Potassium Chlorate, when heated gives Potassium Chloride and Oxygen. You can use Manganese Dioxide as a catalyst to speed up the reaction.

What elements make up sulfuric acid?

The element in sulphuric acid is sulphur dioxide and water. The element in sulphuric acid is sulphur dioxide and water.