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both inorganic and organic compounds

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Q: Which substances dissolved in the cytoplasm of an ameba enable it to carry on life-sustaining activities?
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What tissue is responsible for conducting dissolved food substances?

the thing that is responsible for conducting dissolved food substances is dissolved minerals in the water are deposited within the cells of these parts.

What does universal solvent in science mean?

in everyday life many substances are dissolved in water or they can be dissolved in it.for this reason water is called a universal solvent.

What does solution mean in science?

Solution is a term in science referring to a mixture of two or more substances in which one substance has been dissolved into the other. The substance doing the dissolving is called a solvent while the substance dissolved is a solute.

Water samples that contain dissolved substances are known as A. heterogeneous mixtures B. chemical mixtures. C. solutions D. suspensions?


How do you describe the cytoplasm?

The cytoplasm is the part of a cell that is enclosed within the plasma membrane. In eukaryotic cells the cytoplasm contains organelles, such as mitochondria, that are filled with liquid kept separate from the rest of the cytoplasm by biological membranes. The cytoplasm is the site where most cellular activities occur, such as many metabolic pathways, and processes such as cell division. The part of the cytoplasm that is not held within organelles is called the cytosol. The cytosol is a complex mixture of cytoskeleton filaments, dissolved molecules, and water that fills much of the volume of a cell. The cytosol is a gel, with a network of fibers dispersed through water. Due to this network of pores and high concentrations of dissolved macromolecules, such as proteins, an effect called macromolecular crowding occurs and the cytosol does not act as an ideal solution. This crowding effect alters how the components of the cytosol interact with each other.

Related questions

What is the chemical formula of cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm does not have a single chemical formula, as it is a complex mixture of molecules such as water, ions, proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. Its composition can vary depending on the type of cell and its function.

Is cytoplasm inside neucleus?

No, cytoplasm is the jelly like liquid inside the cell made up of dissolved substances,enzymes and separating the cells organelles and structures. It is not associated inside any other part of the cell. I hope this helped:)

What is the fluid part of a cell which contains dissolved nutrients?


What and dissolved substances leave the arteriole end of a capillart due to what?

Oxygen and dissolved substances leave the ateriole end of a capillary.

What tissue is responsible for conducting dissolved food substances?

the thing that is responsible for conducting dissolved food substances is dissolved minerals in the water are deposited within the cells of these parts.

What are the substances that are transported in the blood?

plasma contains dissolved substances such as proteins,digested food,common salt,waste products and hormones. It transport all these dissolved substances

Dissolved substances in inland water?

salt is one of the dissolved substances in inland waters... well in outland,, I'm not really sure!!

Why can't you just evaporate a liquid to find out what substances were dissolved in it?

Because many substances can be dissolved in liquids ! To identify these substances a detailed chemical analysis of the residues after evaporation is necessary.

What holds organelles and contains dissolved chemicals the cell needs?


Is the substances that is dissolved another substance?

a solvent

What is a substance into which another substances can be dissolved?


Water samples that contain dissolved substances are known as?

Water samples containing dissolved substances are known as solutions. The substances are dissolved in the water, resulting in a homogeneous mixture where the particles are evenly distributed.