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The Oligodendrocyte (spelling might be slightly wrong) is the equivalent of the Schwann cell. Both of them create a myelin sheath around the axon of a neural cell, which provides electrical insulation.

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Q: Which supporting cell in the CNS has a function similar to the schwann cell?
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What is a schwann cell?

A schwann cell are supporting cells of the peripheral nervous system, they wrap themselves around nerve axons.

Is the schwann cell a plant cell?

No--a schwann cell is a type of glial cell, a cell that functions to help and support neurons in a nervous system.

The sheath of Schwann is also called what?

Its the Neurilemma.

What is the neurilemma and what is it function?

the plasma membrane surrounding a Schwann cell of a myelinated nerve fiber and separating layers of myelin

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The name of the theory that Schleiden and Schwann developed is the cell theory.

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Who was Schwann?

The German biologist Theodor Schwann (1810-1882) is considered a founder of the cell theory.

Examples of neuroglial cell?

Another name for neuroglial cell is glia cells, or supporting cells. Here are some examples. There are three types of glial cells in the mature central nervous system: astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, and microglial.The supporting cells of the Peripheral Nervous System are known as Schwann Cells.

How many axons can a single Schwann cell myelinate?

Unlike oligodendrocytes Schwann cells can only myelinate one axon. But the number of Schwann cells it takes to myelinate an axon depends on the axon length as a Schwann cell only myelinates one area between pairs of Nodes of Ranvier. Think of it like a string of sausage. the sting is the axon, each sausage is where a single Schwann cell myelinates that axon, as stated the length will determine the total number of Schwann cells needed for myelination, but a Schwann cell can only myelinate one axon.