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Q: Which system serves as the interface between the other spheres?
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What system serves as an interface between the other spheres?

The biosphere serves as an interface between the spheres, enabling water to move between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

What software serves as the interface between the user the application software?

Operating System software. Like Windows or OSX.

What is Shell in shell?

The 'shell' is a user interface program that interfaces between a user of the system and the Operating System. It is the user interface.

What is shell in os?

The 'shell' is a user interface program that interfaces between a user of the system and the Operating System. It is the user interface.

Is an external interface a boundary between products within a system model that are controlled by the developer?

No that is not the definition of an external interface.

The operating system is an interface between what two things?

Users and computers.

What is interface control information?

This Interface Control Document (ICD) defines the requirements related to the interface between the Space Segment (SS) of the Global Positioning System

The OS is responsible for interacting with hardware?

As we know that the OS is used to operate every device through the drivers present in the OS. So without the OS we cannot communicate with the devices (hardware). For every device some drivers are required to run them and these drives are provided by the operating system. So by this we can see that the OS provides the interface between the user and the hardware, as user does not make the device work he uses the OS.

What controls the interface between the hard disk and the system bus?

disk controller

What software acts like an interface between the user and the computer?

it is operating system.........

Difference between operating system and application programming interface?

soft waere

What is the function of the transporting system?

To provide an interface between an access network and a DSLAM