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Galaxy tab only

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Q: Which tablet makes phone calls
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Related questions

What is the difference between iPhone and tab?

An iPhone is a phone that people can make phone calls from. A tablet is similar to a computer and is bigger than an iPhone, and calls can not be made from a tablet.

Can you make calls on a dell streak 5?

yes you can its a tablet / phone ...

Is an Ipad a mobile phone?

No it is a tablet. But phone calls can be made through the use of certain apps

Which country makes the most personal phone calls on Mother's Day?

Answer I seriously doubt you will find the answer you are looking for as generally phone companies aren't supposed to be listening into your phone calls and there-fore no records of what phone calls are made on Mother's Day or Fathers Day are kept.

What is the mindset of a man who makes obscene phone calls to women?

The mindset of a man who makes obscene phone calls springs from that is reacting to frustration and inadequacy and has an inferiority complex. Obscene phone callers are suffering from feelings of isolation and have an inferiority complex. They consider making these types of phone calls to women as the only way they can express themselves sexually to women.

Can you make calls with the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3?

I don't believe so. It's a tablet, and you can only call and text people on a phone.

How many phone calls does an average person make in a year?

i think an average makes over 366 phone calls in a year.answered by crippindale asare kena (university of wisdom:germany)

What is the difference between tablet and phone?

difference between mobile phone and tablet

What is the difference between android and mobile phone?

An android phone is just a mobile phone, it just has a better operating system that allows you to get apps, create a mobile hotspot, etc. Mobile starts with an "m" and android starts with an "a". Android is a specific app (application) for software that is used with mobile phones. Whereas mobile refers to the actual phone - a portable or mobile communication device.

Can you have a phone and tablet with same phone number?


What are the advantages of using a PC phone?

The number one advantage of using a PC phone are the cheap rates, especially if you frequently have to make international phone calls. It also gives real time info, which makes it easier to monitor the costs of making phone calls.

What is a phone log?

A list of phone calls. Can be either calls received or calls to be placed.