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The Tama teachers give you different areas of skill points, so there are more possibilities for which job you qualify for. There is no single job a teacher can really get your pet; they just help them qualify for it.

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Q: Which tamagotchi teacher gives you which job?
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How do your tamagotchi v5 get a job?

You have to go to tamagotchi town. Then you go to the job building on the central pavilion.

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You probably forgot to choose your job with A then select it with B

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How do you get job for tamagotchi v4?

To get a job, you need to wait until the tamagotchi is of adult age 3+ i believe it is, and you should get important post the [!] will be flashing and then you will have a job, the job will vary according to your life points.

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You can play games, or select the teacher that teaches that subject when your Tamagotchi is a teenager. For instance, the first teacher, Mr Turtle, teaches the first symbol. When he comes and talks to your Tama, press A and the next teacher will come, who teaches the second symbol subject, and so on.

What are the tamagotchi phone numbers?

These are for version 4 and I dont know if they work on any other version: Parent: AABA CCBB Grandparent: CCAC BCBA Preschool teacher: AACC CABA Turtle teacher: ACCB CAAB Flower teacher: CBBC BABB Canvas teacher: BBAC CAAB Tamagotchi king: BABC AAAB All of these work! But your tamagotchi must be an adult to use the phone and you have to have a parent or grandparent to call them! LOL! hope I helped you! :)

What do you get after your tamagotchi marries?

you get a baby but don't mess with you first tamagotchi because it's teaching the new one ever thing it know and you will have a smarter baby if you just let it be a teacher and not a pet.

What are the tamagotchi v1 shop cheats?

do the easy ones first and then move on to the hard ones.... the tamagotchi v3 gives you a code for that game. i as a matter of a fact, DO know the code, you have to donate MAX ammount of money to the king and wear the uniform he gives you --mewMew

How do you get a career in v4 tamagotchi?

To get a job, first choose whether you want your Tamagotchi to be intelligent (pencil), artistic (diamond), or social (flower). How the games raise skill points: intelligent - jumping rope, shape artistic - dance social - mimic, flag And when it's a teen, it'll go to school. So the mustache teacher (Mr.turtle) raises intelligence, the flower teacher raises artisticness, and the square-face shape teacher raises socialness. Once it's an adult, then you will be invited to apply from 5-6 jobs. Choose any and then wait. If they show all circles, you got the job. If not, then you didn't. You will get lots of oppurtunities to apply. Remember to go to your job at least once a day because you get at least 1000 pts per day (more if you do your job a lot)

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What job can you get on tamagotchi v4?

You can get, a banker, work at a hospital, umm that's all i know at the moment

How do you get a job for your tamagotchi v4.5?

playing games until you become adults ( not all the time though )