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Q: Which technological development helped locate enemy aircraft?
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What key technical system helped U.S. naval forces locate and track enemy surface and air naval forces?


Where would you locate a bobbies helmet?

On a British Policeman's head !

What had happened at the site where the blockhouse was locate?

A great battle had been fought there.

What are spotlights on planes with bombs used for?

Spotlights were used to locate enemy aircraft at night so they could be shot down by anti-aircraft batteries. The British Royal Air Force flew most of their large bombing missions at night; while the US Army Air Force flew their missions during daylight. The British bombers were painted all-black. The Germans used spotlights to locate the bombers so their anti-aircraft guns could have a better chance to calculate their altitude and destroy them. The German air force also flew night missions over England and the British used spotlights for the same reason. The Germans also used airplanes configured as "night fighters". These were usually fast, twin-engine bombers that had more than one crew member and was outfitted with a radar(which was not common in WW2). Some were configured with extra machine guns or machine guns pointing vertically. The Night Fighter was usually painted in light blue(almost white) and medium blue wavy lines or splotches that gave the airplane an appearance of a cloud. The Night Fighter would use the ground radar and his on-board radar to locate the British bombers and he could fly underneath one and fire his vertical machine guns. The British also had some fast, twin-engine Mosquitoes and some fighters painted in all-black that were used to fly special missions. Their missions might be special drops for commandos or the French under-ground fighters.

What advantages did guerrillas have against larger forces?

They were agile and stealthy, and the big forces had less time or couldn't locate them easily.

Related questions

Which thing is used to locate an enemy aircraft at night?

Radar is used. it locates all, not just enemy aircraft.

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you can purchase them from chief aircraft parts online

What is the intrument that locate airplanes?

The most common one is radar. This gives you a picture of where aircraft are.

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it helped them locate their latitude

What instrument is used to locate airplanes?

RADAR is the device most commonly used to locate airplanes in flight. In the event of a crash, the aircraft is equipped with an ELT (emergency location transmitter) which broadcasts a radio signal to aid in the search for the aircraft. Emergency search teams can then use specialized radio receivers to locate the ELT, and thus the crash site.

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United States.

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The domestication of animals helped contribute to the development of permanent settlements because some animals could help locate where there is food. The animals need food in order to survive and so do humans, so wherever the animals went to eat they saw that they could eat similar things.

How does the simulator work?

It takes models of the world, uses lat and long fixings to locate aircraft, buildings and scenery. This system the uses an engine that gathers all dynamics, groups land class data and overlays the aircraft

How does simulation works?

It takes models of the world, uses lat and long fixings to locate aircraft, buildings and scenery. This system the uses an engine that gathers all dynamics, groups land class data and overlays the aircraft

What is a pair of numbers use to locate a point on a coordinate plane?

The center point is 0,0.. Hope I helped

An instrument used to locate airplanes?

Radar is the most common method of locating aircraft. Radar stands for RAdio Detection And Ranging. It works by sending out waves that bounce off of aircraft in the sky. These bounce back and get picked up by the radar dish and those returns can be used to calculate an aircraft's position, size, speed and direction of travel.