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The front 12 (6 on top and 6 on bottom)

The straight edged are called incisors and are used to cut through medium and soft density foods. Starting in the front are the Central incisors, next to those are the lateral incisors.

The sharp pointy teeth next to those are canine's (or cuspid) and are used for pinning harder density food and tearing it away.

The wider flatter teeth behind those are the molars and their primary use is for crushing and grinding (chewing) food, though some people use them to bite through food as well by shoving something large deeper into the mouth.

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Q: Which teeth bite food off
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What is a bad bite?

Upper and lower teeth not meeting when you try to bite your food. Instead of cutting the food, your teeth can only clamp on them and you pull the sandwich away from your mouth, tearing off the piece that you wanted to bite off. Usually leaves bits of lettuce or whatever hanging out of your mouth. Usually the upper set of teeth protrude outwards too much. Nickname for this condition is " buckteeth ".

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