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ur back teeth

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Q: Which teeth do we use to chew food?
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What do dolphins us their teeth for do they chew their food?

they use their teeth to grab their food and they don't chew their food

What adaptation does a hawk use to chew food?

A hawk has a beak and therefore can not chew food, to chew food you need teeth to chew with.

Crush food with your teeth?

crush food with your teeth? quite simple its chew

Do they chew their food?

seahorses do not chew their food because they do not have teeth

What teeth do you use to grinding and chewing your food?

your molars are the ones you chew with

The teeth are not part of the digestive system?

You use teeth to chew up food to make the digestion easier! Make sure you chew food thoroughly so it won't be so hard to digest.

Why do teeth chew your food?

Because, without teeth, your mouth would have no other device to chew with.

How do Field Crickets get food?

Crickets use their teeth to chew up grass blades.

What is used to chew food?


How does tiger chew the food?

with their teeth

Does a frog chew its food with its teeth?

No ; they do not.

What are lions teeth for?