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Allusion - Apex AP English 2024

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The term that best describes a reference to something familiar from those areas is "allusion." It is a literary device that allows writers to draw parallels between their work and well-known stories, characters, or events to add depth and meaning to their own writing.

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Q: Which term best describes a reference to something familiar from history literature religion popular culture or mythology?
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Definition of classical allusion?

A classical allusion is a reference in literature, art, or popular culture to Greek or Roman mythology, history, or literature. It is used to add depth, meaning, or symbolism to the work by evoking the cultural heritage and knowledge associated with these ancient civilizations.

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To make a well-known reference to something historical, literary, religious, mythical, or popular. is

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An allusion is a brief reference to a person, event, or work of art that is not explained in detail within the text. It relies on the reader's existing knowledge to make a connection and deepen understanding or add layers of meaning to the text.

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What is an illusion to literature?

There is no such thing as an illusion to literature, rather, an allusion is when someone says something like "So Eden sank to grief" (Robert Frost's Nothing Gold Can Stay). It is a reference to something outside of the situation, in this case literature. Here the allusion is to the Bible, as it refers to Eden (the garden of Eden). Normally allusions refer to popular things that have been integrated into society, such as the Bible, or The Matrix.

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Greek Mythology influences us in architecture because we adapted most of our building styles from the Greek people. We adapted something call Doric-Style it is basically the use of many types of colomns and a simple unadorned building. We also have the Parthenon, Mt.Olympus (the waterpark), and many other types of architecture to teach us about the Gods, Godesses, and the Titans. Greek Mythology also gave us many of the types of art we use today like mosaics. I don't have a lot of experience in politcs but there are many many books that reference back to Greek Mythology. I hope this helped a little..(:

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"Gorgon" is a literary term referring to a mythical creature, typically a monstrous female with snakes for hair in Greek mythology. It is often used to describe something terrifying or grotesque in literature.

What is the origin of allusion?

The term "allusion" comes from the Latin word "allusio," which means a "playful reference" or "a rhythmical device in music." It has been used in English since the late 16th century to refer to a passing or indirect reference in writing or speech.

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Is a book that describes the foreign policy of Theodore Roosevelt a secondary source?

Yes. A book that describes the foreign policy of Theodore Roosevelt is a secondary source.A book that describes something is a secondary or even tertiary source of information. If the source uses secondary sources as a reference and reinterprets the information, then it may be a tertiary source.