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An unjust and abusive government can be described as a tyranny.

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Q: Which term describes a government that uses its powers in unjust or abusive ways?
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Related questions

What is a cruel and unjust government.?

Tyranny, that's the word you're looking for!The word that best describes a cruel and unjust government is a Tyranny.

What is a cruel unjust government?

Tyranny, that's the word you're looking for!The word that best describes a cruel and unjust government is a Tyranny.

What do you call a government which uses it's power cruelly?

All government types have the ability to become "cruel" or "unjust" commonly the term used is "Tyranny" but there have also been many other terms.

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How do government change according to polybius?

They Cycle Between Just And Unjust Forms Of Government.

Which best describes the way that Thoreau structured Resistance to Civil Government.ything?

In "Resistance to Civil Government," Thoreau argues for passive resistance to unjust laws and the importance of individual conscience. He structured his essay with a clear introduction of his ideas, followed by supporting arguments and examples, and concluded with a call to action for individuals to resist unjust authority.

Which document legitimized the right to replace an unjust government?

Declaration of Independence

How do you put tyranny in a sentence?

Well, it has to do with an unjust ruler or particular government

What are people entitled to do when faced with an unjust government?

it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government

At the end of Resistance to Civil Government what does Henry David Thoreau conclude about the government?

That it has not done enough to truly represent the people

When is it necessary for citizens to rebel against their government?

when the government is using tyranny, which is unjust use of government power.

What important statements are in the declaration of independence?

People have the right to rebel against an unjust government.