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Q: Which term describes the tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually?
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What term describes the tendency of an individual to attribute his own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors?


What does perceptual reduction mean?

The tendency to perceive one segment of the population as representative of the whole.

Managers are not born they are made?

There is a tendency to believe that managers and leaders are "born" with the temperament to lead and succeed, but conversely the only way to become proficient is through experience.

What are some ways that one can improve agile management?

Agile project management is a collection of good practice for managing projects. Agile management can be improved by ensuring it is implemented fully: there is a tendency to adopt just the easy bits of methodologies and not some of the harder bits that make it work well.

What do you understand by bias in production and operation management?

Bias is a term used to describe a tendency or preference towards a particular perspective, ideology or result, when the tendency interferes with the ability to be impartial, unprejudiced, or objective.[1]. In other words, bias is generally seen as a 'one-sided' perspective. The term biased refers to a person or group who is judged to exhibit bias. It is used to describe an attitude, judgment, or behavior that is influenced by a prejudice. Bias can be unconscious or conscious in awareness. Having a bias is part of a normal development. Labeling someone as biased in some regard implies they need a greater or more flexible perspective in that area, or that they need to consider more deeply the context. In psychology, cognitive bias is bias based on factors related to the brain as an information processor. One type of cognitive bias is confirmation bias, the tendency to interpret new information in such a way that confirms one's prior beliefs, even to the extreme of denial, ignoring information that conflicts with one's prior beliefs. The fundamental attribution error, also known as "correspondence bias", is one example of such bias, in which people tend to explain others' behavior in terms of personality, whereas they tend to explain their own behavior in terms of the situation In statistics, there are several types of bias: Selection bias, where there is an error in choosing the individuals or groups to take part in a scientific study. It includes sampling bias, in which some members of the population are more likely to be included than others. Spectrum bias consists of evaluating the ability of a diagnostic test in a biased group of patients, which leads to an overestimate of the sensitivity and specificity of the test. The bias of an estimator is the difference between an estimator's expectation and the true value of the parameter being estimated. Omitted-variable bias is the bias that appears in estimates of parameters in a regression analysis when the assumed specification is incorrect, in that it omits an independent variable that should be in the model. In statistical hypothesis testing, a test is said to be unbiased when the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis exceeds the significance level when the alternative is true and is less than or equal to the significance level when the null hypothesis is true. Systematic bias or systemic bias are external influences that may affect the accuracy of statistical measurements.