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Q: Which term in the article constitutional convention is closest to another term representative government?
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What would happen if the US were to have another constitutional convention?

in danger

Why were the delegates willing to compromise with one another in drafting the constitution?

what the delegates gained by agreeing to the compromise was that at the constitutional convention was that everyone had a different idea for a new government

What is the government representative in another country called?

We call a representative to a foreign country an ambassador.

What three compromises about slavery kept southern delegates from walking out of the constitutional convention?

There was only one compromise regarding slavery and it was the three-fifths compromise which stated that slaves would be counted as three-fifths of a person for purposes of assigning House of Representative seats. Another compromise during the Constitutional convention was the Great compromise which created a bicameral legislature and the creation of the electoral college for Presidential elections.

How many days or years did Ben Franklin live after the Constitutional Convention?

The Constitutional Convention met in 1787. He was 81 and suffering from gall stones. He did live another three years before his death April 17, 1790.

What is the Constitutional Convention of 1787 called?

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was called in order to consider amendments to the Articles of Confederation, not to write another Constitution entirely. During deliberations over amendments to the Articles, it was realized that the Articles could not be patched up to make them workable. The framers began to think in terms of a completely different approach to a national government and created the Constitution. One irony is that some of the states never would have sent delegations to the Convention if they knew the Framers were going to create a whole new system instead of fixing the old one.State house, Philadelphia, PA. There is a copy of it at Knox Berry Farm in LA.

What year did the grand convention begin?

The Grand Convention was another name for the Constitutional Convention, also referred to by many as the Philadelphia Convention. It took place in Philadelphia starting May 25, 1787 and ended on September 17, 1787.

Who is Manitoba's representative?

Andrew Swan of the New Democratic Party.And another word for representative in the provincial government is MLA.

Who is the French Ambassador?

The French ambassador is the representative of the French government in another country.

What kind of government did the Hittites have?

The kind of government that the Hittites have is a constitutional monarchy. The leadership is handed over from one generation to another.

What an indirect democracy?

A form of government in which all laws are created by the vote of a representative body. This representative body is elected by people or is elected by another representative body which is in turn elected by the people.

What is another word for British government?

The British legislature is Parliament. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy.