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Q: Which term is defined as the use of sensory words and phrases to create vivid mental pictures in the reader's mind?
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Which term is defined as the use of sensory words and phrases to create vivid mental pictures in the readers' mind?


What term is defined as the use of sens ory words and phrases to create vivid mental pictures in the readers mind?

Imagery is the term used to describe the use of sensory words and phrases to create vivid mental pictures in the reader's mind. It appeals to the senses and helps readers visualize and experience the writing more fully.

What are the words or phrases that appeal to the readers five senses?


What are sensory phrases?

Sensory phrases are descriptive phrases that engage the reader's senses by providing vivid details related to sight, sound, touch, smell, or taste. They help create a more immersive experience for the reader by appealing to their sensory perceptions and emotions. These phrases are often used in creative writing to enhance imagery and evoke a strong response from the reader.

What literary term Refers to words and phrases that appeal to the senses of the readers?

The literary term is imagery. It involves using language to create mental images and sensory experiences for the reader.

What is the effect of imagery in the poem my love reveals objects?

Imagery in the poem "My Love Reveals Objects" helps create vivid mental pictures for readers by using sensory details to evoke emotions and enhance the overall atmosphere of the poem. It enables readers to engage more deeply with the themes and emotions conveyed in the poem through the power of visual and sensory language.

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What is the purpose of sensory details?

to appeal to the readers physical experiences

What are Word pictures not words and pictures?

Word pictures are descriptive language and phrases that evoke vivid mental images in the reader's mind. They help to create a sensory experience or convey emotions without using direct visual representation like actual pictures.

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Which literary device enables readers to enjoy sensory experiences in literature?

Imagery is the literary device that enables readers to enjoy sensory experiences in literature. By using descriptive language that appeals to the senses, such as sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell, authors can create vivid mental images for readers to immerse themselves in the story.