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Q: Which term refers to a special type of act that congress uses to set aside funds for specific purposes?
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How do you spell conguruss?

The correct spelling is congress (assembly). The word is capitalized when it refers to a specific or named group, such as the US Congress or the political party Indian National Congress (INC).

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English for Specific Purposes (ESP) refers to the use of English tailored to specific professional or academic fields, such as medicine, business, or engineering. ESP focuses on improving language skills relevant to specific industries, allowing learners to communicate effectively in their chosen field.

What is a special account?

A special account refers to a dedicated account that is designated for a specific purpose. It is typically used to separate funds for a specific project or activity, and is often subject to special rules or restrictions on how the funds can be used. Special accounts are commonly used in government, finance, and businesses to ensure proper allocation and tracking of funds.

Why is this passage from An Indian Father Plea an appeal to ethos?

Answer this question… Because it refers to respected institutions such as the U.S. Congress

Does congress includes both senate and House of Representatives?

Yes. Congress refers to the combined Senate and House of Representatives.

What is the difference between government and congress?

Government refers to all three branches of government, the executive (President and cabinet), the Judicial (the Courts), and legislative (Congress) Congress refers to the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate, which together, form one branch of government

What term refers to a bill that both houses of Congress have passed?

It is an act

What does the legislative branch refers to?

The congress and the people who work with the congressmen and congresswomen.

Which term refers to the efficiency of a rocket's engine?

Specific impulse

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Most likely, this question is referring to the D/ST that's often seen in fantasy football. The D/ST refers to the Defense / Special Teams which can be combined into one unit for fantasy football scoring purposes.

What does class notation ESP means?

ESP stands for "English for Specific Purposes", which refers to English language courses tailored to meet the specific needs of learners in a particular field or profession, such as business English or English for tourism. It focuses on developing language skills and vocabulary relevant to their professional context.