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The senate majority leader is the term given to the leader of the party with the most members in the senate.

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Q: Which term refers to the leader of the party with the most members in the Senate?
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Which term refers to leader of the party with the most members in senate?

The senate majority leader is the term given to the leader of the party with the most members in the senate.

Which terms refers to leader of the party with the most members in the senate?

The senate majority leader is the term given to the leader of the party with the most members in the senate.

The person in Congress who is the leader of the smaller party in Congress is the?

The leader of the party with the second most members in Congress is called the Senate Minority leader for the Senate and House Minority Leader in the House of Representatives. There may be third party members with just a few members and they might have a leader but that leader is not referred to as the Minority Leader of that House of Congress.

Is it true that the minority party has more members in the Senate?

No. The majority leader is the most powerful.

What term refers to the leader of the party with the most members in the senate?

Senate Majority Leader. He is technically outranked by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, who is traditionally the most senior member of the majority party in the Senate (and is third in the line of succession after the Vice President and the Speaker of the House). However, the Senate Majority Leader wields much more actual power.

Who aids the Senate majority leader in keeping party members informed and supportive?

Senate Majority Whip

What is elected by the senators of the party with the fewest number of members?

Senate minority leader

Who elected by other senators of the party with the fewest number of members?

Senate minority leader

Is elected by the other senators of the party with the fewest number of members?

Senate minority leader

Who is elected by other senators of the party with the fewest number of members?

Senate minority leader

What are the titles of the leaders of the house of representatives?

In each House, the Party with the most members is called the majority party. The other is the minority party. Each party in both houses elects leaders, who are called the Majority Leader and the Minority Leader, respectively, for each House. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer House minority leader John Boehner Senate majority leader Harry Reid Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell The two Houses of Congress as a whole are lead by the President of the Senate, who is the Vice-President of the United States, and by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, who is elected by the Members of the House of Representatives. As a practical matter the Speaker is elected by the members of the Majority Party.

Who assisted by party whips?

The party whips assist the party floor leaders during voting, maintain communication between party leadership and members, and count votes on important legislation.