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Q: Which term relates to the unprovoked attack of one country by another country?
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Another word for unprovoked attack?

'Ambush' is one possible answer.

What does agressor mean?

the word means an attack or harmful action, esp unprovoked attack by one country by an other......................... hope dat helped :-)

Would war on terror be considered an act of war?

If you are talking about our current war, then yes, it would. The U.S. launched an unprovoked* attack on another country. This is definitely seen as an act of war, even if done with good intentions. *The provocation was a relatively small terrorist group, not the country as a whole, therefore, it could be seen as unprovoked.

What is the meaning of unprovoked attack?

Pre-emptive strike

How do you use the word unprovoked in a sentence?

Definition: Not provoked or prompted. Example: The invasion of Kuwait was an unprovoked attack by Iraq.

What country did Germany attack at the beginning of World War 2?

Poland in September, 1939. It was unprovoked even thought the Nazis staged a phony provocation.

Will Emus make an unprovoked attack?

It depends what is meant by "unprovoked". An emu always has a reason for whatever it does, and what may seem unprovoked to humans is not necessarily so to emus. An emu will only attack if it believes there is a threat to its chicks or itself, so stories of "unprovoked attacks" on cars or people are probably inflated. For whatever reason, the emu in question was feeling threatened at the time.

When The War of the Worlds was written England feared?

Attack from Another Country on apex

Why did the US Congress decide to go the war with Japan?

Congress declared war on Japan because of that country's unprovoked attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

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Is a nurse shark dangourise?

only if it is provoked. it has been known to attack unprovoked but that is in a rare occasion

When was the battle of Pearl Harbor?

December 7, 1941. It it wasn't much of a battle. It was an unprovoked attack.