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The female gamete is an ovum and the male gamete is a sperm cell or spermatozoan.

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Q: Which terms are used for gametes that are needed for reproduction in vertebrate animals?
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What terms are used for gametes that are needed for reproduction in vertebrate animals?

Egg and sperm

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What are male gametes?

A gamete is one of two cells needed for sexual reproduction. Male gametes are sperm, while female gametes are eggs. When fused, they form a zygote.

What is a egg cell in the female?

The egg cell, also called the haploid cell, is the female gamete. A pair of gametes, egg and sperm, are what are needed in order for reproduction to occur.

What is тнє egg and sperm cell?

Gametes! They contain half the amount of genetic material that body (somatic) cells contain. BAsed on this fact, they are called haploid.

How does Sexual reproduction gives rise to more viable variations than asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is when there is two animals or plants needed to reproduce, thus there is more variation in the offspring as the 'parents' are different.

What is the egg cell in a female's body?

The egg cell, also called the haploid cell, is the female gamete. A pair of gametes, egg and sperm, are what are needed in order for reproduction to occur.

What is the purpose of gametes in the sexual production?

The gametes are the sex organs in sexual reproduction. The female gametes are known as eggs or ova and the male gametes are known as sperm. The gametes carry the genetic information need to form a fertilised egg. When the sperm fuses with the egg they form an ovum which develops into a foetus.

What is required for asexual reproduction?

1.) Mating organisms must be identical species. 2.) Gametes (sperm cells and egg cells), must be non-identical and must be successfully fertilized. There's two right there, although there are more answers to this question, those are two of the obvious, simple ones.

What organ is needed in an asexual reproduction?

A Penis

What is what is asexual reproduction?

Sexual reproduction is with two parents needed to have Asexual reproduction is with one parent needed like cloning I know this from my health teacher she is fun pay attention in class 8th grader answered

How many organism are needed for reproduction to occur?
