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Q: Which terrestrial ecosystem would you prefer to leave in?
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N any ecosystem terrestrial or aquatic what groups is are always necessary?

producers because you need more to feed all the consumers

Can you describe the forest ecosystem?

An ecosystem contains all living things. So a woodland ecosystem contains all living things that you would normally find in a woodland area e.g. Grass, Trees, Insects etc.

What happens to the ecosystem when predators leave?

The species that were kept in control by the predators start over populating and upset the balance of the ecosystem

Could the ecosystem survive without the aye-aye?

AnswerYes the ecosystem could survive without the Aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascarensis). It is not a keystone species. However, its loss would leave an open niche and weaken the ecosystems in which it lives.

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What would happen if a species disppeared from an ecosystem?

If species disappeared from an ecosystem the balance in the ecosystem will be altered.

Are we part of the ecosystem?

Yes. We are part of an ecosystem. Without an ecosystem we would, nothing would, be able to survive. Hope that answered your question for ya!!

What would happen if all the producers were eliminated?

If producers were removed from an ecosystem there would be no more food web.

Is the moon a terrestrial planet?

No. The moon is not a planet; it is a moon. If it had its own orbit around the sun it would be considered a terrestrial planet.

Is Earth a Terrestrial Jovian or Dwarf Planet?

"Terra" is the Latin for land or earth. It would therefore follow that Earth is "terrestrial".

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if you were to create acomponents ecosystem what components would you include in it??/

What are the characteristics of terrestrial environment?

There are many characteristics of terrestrial environment. The characteristics include expansive temperature fluctuations, less atmosphere, and more aquatic life.