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Q: Which theory of power are government decisions most influenced by ordinary people?
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What influenced melodrama?

Melodrama is influenced by many people ordinary people like as. it was first introduced to the world in 19th century.

Which theory of government makes the case that no one group of people controls the majority of government decisions?

The democratic theory of government makes the case that no one group of people controls the majority of government decisions.

Who makes economic decisions?

the government makes all the decisions, he is a dictator

What should the government make a decision about?

The people in the government are elected to make decisions for the citizens, so they make decisions about many issues.

How are decision made for dictator ship?

In a dictatorship most decisions are still taken by ordinary people. Even decisions involving the use of large expenditures of resources can still be taken by individuals who have been nominated by the dictator. Furthermore, the dictator is usually influenced in decision making by individuals with whom they are closely associated. However, ultimately decisions about large investments are directions are taken by the dictator.

What were the three types of government that developed in the greek city-states after Greece's dark ages?

Oligarchy - 'rule by the few' - an aristocratic cartel which excluded ordinary people. Tyranny - rule by a single man appointed to get rid of the oligarchs and give the ordinary people a government which looked after their interests. Democracy - 'people power' - which gave the ordinary people a say in their government.

What is the government were citizens rule?

a democracy is a government in which the people vote on the decisions being made.

How has the government influenced the people of the Philippines lives?

government influencing the people in the Philippines by doing their best to have a perfect nation

Who was associated with the conservation of natural resources?

ordinary people and government authorities.

How did ordinary people help change british government and policies?

Your mother.

What is a government where people elect represenatives to make decisions for them?


In what form of government do people vote or make decisions?
