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The Oscillatory Theory of cosmology.

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Q: Which theory suggests that for every big bang there is a crunch?
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The most recent theory that upholds the big bang theory but suggests a sudden expansion after the bang is called the?

The most recent theory that upholds the Big Bang theory, but suggests a sudden expansion after the bang, is called the inflation theory. Earth is 4.54 billion years old.

What are the Reverse effects of the big bang theory?

The Big Crunch hypothesis.

The most recent theory that upholds the big bang theory but suggests a sudden expansion after the bang is?

That's the inflationary theory.

What is the difference between big bang theory and big crunch theory?

The big bang theory is the explosion that started the universe. Where as the big crunch is the theory where the universe will eventually contract and become increasingly clumped and eventaully all mater would collapse into black holes which would then coalesce producing a unified black hole or Big Crunch singularity.

What is the three theory of the formation of the solar system?

I think it is the big bang theory, big crunch theory and i don't know the other one.

The big bang theory suggests that the universe is how old?

About 14.5 billion years old.

If a boom is a bang and a bang is a boom what is the crash?

A crunch.

What is the theory of behaviors?

watch the big bang theory it gives you the answer to every thing

How does the big bounce theory differ from the big bang theory?

in big bang theory the particles will just move away outside. while in big bounce, a stage will come when all the particles once again will form singularity as the result of big crunch. that's what i think.

What is the meaning of Behavior Theory?

watch the big bang theory it gives you the answer to every thing

Is there a thing called the big crunch theory?

yes it states that the universe will stop expanding and start crunching back up to a state before the big bang

What are the origin of the origin of the universe?

With the Truth being Known for such a short amount of Time, that is to say just only the last one hundred Years or so; the Question Is: How can it be that Every Major Religion that has had Their Foundations constructed before the granitic Facts were known be either relevant or valid?As regards our own theory of the origin of the Universe, mentioning only scientific theories, there is the big bang theory which is all but undisputed. The question is now what caused the big bang? There is the cosmic egg theory, Membrane theory (m-theory), and several cyclic theories (my favorite The Big Crunch Theory).