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Q: Which three scientist help to determine the shape of DNA?
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What determines the three-dimensional shape of an enzyme?

Weak hydrogen bond that form between some amino acids help to determine the three-dimensional shape.

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The three factors of desert that help determine the communities in an ecosystem include the biomes, biosphere and communities.

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A balance scale would be the best instrument for the scientist to use in order to measure the mass of the iron-based metals before and after exposure to oxidation. This would allow the scientist to determine any changes in mass due to the oxidation process.

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help determine the cell shape, move chromosomes during cell division

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What bras help form breasts?

No bras form a breast. The shape of your breast comes from your DNA. You can help your breast by using a good supporting bra, but it doesn't determine size or shape.

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A scientist is doing an experiment to see how a high-protein low-carbohydrate diet affects the body mass of mice. A scientist is doing an experiment to see how a high-protein low-carbohydrate diet affects the body mass of mice a balance unit of measurement would best help the scientist determine this.

Relate the shape of an enzyme to its ability to help in a chemical reaction?

The shape of an enzyme will determine its ability to help in a chemical reaction. These proteins that will break down substance in the body and catalyze chemical reactions.