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DMA , IRQ and I/O address

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Q: Which three system resources are commonly used for communication between the CPU or memory and other components in the computer?
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Which three system resources are commonly used for communitacion between the CPU or memory and other components in the computer?

System Bus, Address Bus & Control Signals.

What is the computer communication process?

The computer communication process is commonly known as inter-process communication. This will include input, analysis, processing, storage and output of data.

How does the wiring in a computer work?

It sends power to the components, and allows communication to the motherboard.

In data communications the sending device is generally a computer?

It is true that in data communications the sending device is usually a computer. The main components are transmitter, receiver & antenna and every communication device must have all these three components

What are 3 hardware components commonly installed on a desktop computer?

Hard-drive, DVD-RW drive & display.

How this computer be applied the communication?

the communication this computer be applied by communication of other computer with the communication

Kernal memory is what?

The kernel is the main component of most computer operating systems; it is a bridge between applications and the actual data processing done at the hardware level. The kernel's responsibilities include managing the system's resources (the communication between hardware and software components)

Why Computer networks were developed?

Networks were developed as a communication method between computers at remote sites

How do the components and processes of communication apply to the electronic/computer channel?

Due to the rights of you getting this question from walden university I asked for it to be removed


A computer network is a group of computer systems and other computing hardware devices that are linked together through communication channels to facilitate communication and resource-sharing among a wide range of users. Networks are commonly categorized based on their characteristics.

What is a flat circuit board that controls communication for the entire computer system?

The flat circuit board inside a computer is called Mother Board. Yes , this provide all the circuitry for the computer and connect different components together. Then the components have their own circuit boards which provide internal and external connections.

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Honesty Respect Confidentiality Professionalism Responsibility Communication Obeying the