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The Siberian tiger has fewer stripes, possibly because of the snowy habitat it reigns where less stripes blend more with the environment of cold Russia.

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Q: Which tiger has fewest left in the wild?
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Which species to tigers has fewest numbers left in the world?

The tiger subspecies with the fewest wild members is the South China tiger. Only a few still roam the wild, if any at all. There are around 50 in captivity, and plans are to release some back into their native habitat.

What is the most endangered tiger in the world?

The most endanered tiger is probally the seribian tiger. There are only a few left in the wild :-)

How many tiger is there in India?

The tiger population is at one of its lowest levels ! At less than 3200 left in the wild !

What is the fine for poaching a tiger?

With only 300 left in the wild, it must be severe.

How many Chinese tigers are there?

There are only around 15-30 left in the wild so it might be the next tiger to be extinct

How many Sumatran tiger left in the word?

There are between 350-550 in the wild presently.

How many white tiger are left?

There are hundreds in captivity, but none observed in the wild for years.

How many English tigers are left in the wild?

There is no such thing as an English Tiger so asking how many are left is a nonsensical question.

Who many tiger in the wild?

There are fewer than 4,000 tigers left in the wild now but you can adopt one if you go to the WWF website

How many white tigers are left in the in the wild?

It is impossible to know as the white tiger is a relatively rare morph of tiger.

Why do you need to look after the tiger?

There are less than 4,000 left in the wild & there are less than 50 Sumatran tigers left & one of them hasn't been in a zoo in over 40 years. The sumatran tiger has a wild population between 270 and 350, according to recent estimates.

How long will the south china tiger live for?

The South China tiger may be extinct in the wild, if any are left it is only a handfull. There are currently plans to re-introduce them into the wild, after training the captive born cubs to hunt.