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Mostly winter, just as in most places.

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Q: Which time of the year does Maryland get snow?
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Where did it rain from Hurricane Sandy but also snow at the same time?

Garrett, Maryland had rain and snow at the same time during Hurricane Sandy.

Does it snow in Maryland in February?

Yeah, it has. It's difficult to get these type of data, but assuming you're in the Baltimore-Washington area, snow has been reported numerous times in late October. What will make tomorrow quite remarkable is that this will very likely be some accumulating snow, which may be the most that has occurred on record in October.

Did Maryland always observe daylight savings time?

Maryland, USA has observed Daylight Saving Time every year since 1918.

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What is the time difference between Maryland and Punta Cana?

There is no time difference between Maryland and Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, while Maryland is on daylight savings time. Punta Cana is one hour ahead of Maryland while Maryland is on standard time. Punta Cana does not observe daylight savings time at any point during the year.

How much snow will Maryland see in 2010?

A whole lot less than last year. Seriously, expect about average snowfall or a little under that.

What is the time difference between Maryland and cuba?

There is usually no time difference between Maryland and Cuba. Eastern Standard Time = Cuba Standard Time, and Eastern Daylight Saving Time = Cuba Daylight Saving Time. There is only one week per year when Maryland is one hour ahead of Cuba: during the week of October 31 (because Cuba ends Daylight Saving Time on the last Sunday of October, and in Maryland it ends a week later).

Did colonial Maryland get snow?

They got about as much as current day.

A year of snow a year of plenty how true is it?

75% true. This usually happens but not all the time.

What was Maryland's year?

Maryland was founded in 1634.

Is snow normal for this time of year?

Depends where you are. But most places (in the Northern Hemisphere) see their coldest temperatures of year, on average, during the month of January. So in some of the more temperate regions, January would be the best time to find snow if it were to snow at all.

What sports do Marylanders play in Maryland?

Maryland's sports are lacrosse,fishing,sailing,hiking,snow skiing,and water skiing.