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Q: Which tissues transport food in the plant?
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What are the transport tissues in plant?

Xylem and phloem are the main transport tissues in plants.

Do flowering plants transport substances through tissue?

Flowering plants use both xylem and phloem tissues to transport water and food products within the plant

What 2 plant tissues affect transport throughout the plant?

xylem and phloem

What is the tissue of plant?

the cells in plants and animals form groups.Group of similar cells are called tissues. In plants there are 2 tissues of cells form tubes to transport water and food

What is the vascular tissue (xylem)?

Vascular tissues are plant tissues that transport nutrients and water throughout a plant. The two types of vascular tissues are xylem and phloem.

What is the meaning of plant tissue?

the cells in plants and animals form groups.Group of similar cells are called tissues. In plants there are 2 tissues of cells form tubes to transport water and food

What is the relationship between transport tissues and a plants food making leaves?

The relationship between transport tissues and a plants food making leaves are that the xylum and the phloem work together to make food

What is the definition of vascular tissue?

The outside layer of flat cells in a plant leaf.

What tissues make up plants?

Protective tissues ( form a covering on most plants that helps prevent water loss and protects the plant), Photosynthetic tissue (transforms the sun's energy into sugar), and Transport tissues (contain hollow, tube-like cells that move food and water through the plant)

What makes up PLANT?

Protective tissues ( form a covering on most plants that helps prevent water loss and protects the plant), Photosynthetic tissue (transforms the sun's energy into sugar), and Transport tissues (contain hollow, tube-like cells that move food and water through the plant)

What is the function of the vascular tissues?

Xylem. To carry water from the roots of the plant to the leaves of the plant.Phloem. To carry the manufactured sugars from where the are manufactured, leaves generally, to throughout the plant and wherever needed.

What tissues are part of a plant transport system?

one tissue is the xylem and the other is phloem