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electron microscope

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electron microscope

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scanning tunneling microscope (STM)

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an electron microscope

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Q: Which tool allows scientist to see atoms on the surface of a metal?
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magnify glass
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What made the metal shiny again?

Metallic bonding is quite strong and gives rise to the metal cations(atoms) to be packed in a regularly shaped pattern. The closely packed rows or atoms organised in rows allows light to reflect on its surface. Thus, it is shiny

The shiny surface of metals have most to do with?

The looseness of electrons in metal atoms.

What is a discoloration of metal by exposure to air?

A discoloration of metal by exposure to air is known as oxidation. This process forms a thin layer of rust or tarnish on the surface of the metal, which can alter its appearance and weaken its structural integrity over time. To prevent oxidation, metals can be coated or treated with protective layers.

Corrosion involves atoms at the surface of a metal losing electrons and changing to metal ions state the name of this kind of reaction?

The corrosion of metals involves a redox reaction. In an oxidation-reduction or redox reaction, metals lose electrons to oxygen to form a ionic compound from the metal ions and an ion of the oxide.

What type of bond allows medal to be flattened and shaped?

Metallic bond allows metal atoms to be flattened and shaped because the electrons are delocalized and free to move throughout the metal lattice, allowing the metal to be easily deformed without breaking the bond.

Why can you see you're reflection in polished metal?

You can see your reflection in polished metal because the metal surface is very smooth and acts like a mirror, reflecting light in a way that allows you to see yourself. The smoothness of the surface allows light to bounce off and create a clear image, similar to how you see your reflection in a regular mirror.

What allows valence electrons to move throughout the metal?

Atoms being so close to one-another that their outermost energy overlap

What substance is formed on a copper metal surface while in a silver nitrate solution?

A layer of silver will form on the copper metal surface through a displacement reaction, where the copper atoms are replaced by silver atoms in the silver nitrate solution. This reaction is known as a redox reaction, where copper is oxidized and silver is reduced.

What are the properties of metal that allow them to be reshaped?

Metals have a crystalline structure that allows their atoms to move past each other when force is applied, enabling them to be reshaped. This property, known as ductility, is a result of metal atoms being arranged in layers that can slide over one another. Additionally, metals often have high melting points, which allows them to be heated and reshaped through processes like casting or forging.

When metals react with air to form metal oxide?

Metal oxide is formed when metals react with air due to the oxidation of the metal atoms. Oxygen in the air oxidizes the metal atoms, resulting in the formation of metal oxide compounds. This process is often referred to as corrosion when it occurs on the surface of metals such as iron.

Does ferrite conduct electricity?

Ferrites are materials that are ceramic and contain iron oxide. They are not considered to be conductive and are brittle.

What makes gold metal?

Gold is a metal because it has metallic properties such as being shiny, malleable, and a good conductor of electricity. Its atomic structure allows gold atoms to easily form metallic bonds with adjacent atoms, leading to the characteristic properties of metals.