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Q: Which treatment give to dog by if eating a polish paper?
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What is the best gift you can give to your closest friend who is a girl?

umm... you can give her nail polish and glossy lipgloss in a clear box with colourful tissue paper in the box witht he things in it.

Polish rivers and mountains?

you are supposed to give me the answer not me give you

How do you say give in Polish?


Why do polish people give a cup and sauceras a gift?

They Don't Btw im polish.

Can you give dog a breathing treatment?

Can you give your fog a breathing treatment

How do you say give me a kiss in polish?

To say "give me a kiss" in Polish, you would say "daj mi całusa."

Can you give some examples of polish words?

You will find some examples in the Wikipedia article on "Polish language".

How do you remove fingernail polish from toliet seat?

Nail polish remover should work great. Give it a few minutes, and applications, to soften the nail polish.

Can you give me a long list of polish cakes?

Some Polish cakes are Babka, kolacz, sernik (cheesecake), and mazurek. Others are a poppyseed cake called makoweic, sekacz, Polish apple cake, Polish cream cake, and Polish cherry cake.

Can you make a nail polish by using chocolates?

By going to a magical land with fairies and princesses and they will give you chocolate nail polish

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Why is it important to give treatment advice and what may happen if advice was not given

To whom or who did you give your paper?

I handed the paper to my teacher.