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California Redwood

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Q: Which trees are grow at the height of 4000m?
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What is the average height of a grape tree?

Grapes don't grow on trees, but vines.

Is it true that Pineapples grow on trees?

That is Correct. The common misconception is that they grow in the ground. The tree isn't very tall but only grows to an average height of about 3 feet tall. So yes they do grow on trees.

How might competition affect the height of a tree?

If trees grow too close together then the competition for light will make them grow upwards and not grow as a balanced specimen.

Are Purple Trumpet trees annual or biennial or perennail?

Purple trumpet trees are considered as hardy annuals. Most of these trees can grow from a height of 60 centimeters to 1.8 meters.

4000m how many kilometers?

1000m equals a kilometre so 4000m is 4 kilometre

How big are fully grown banana trees?

Bananas do not grow on trees. The banana is an herbaceous plant and grows to a height of 6-7 meters

What height do Eucalyptus trees grow to?

There is so much variation in the height of eucalyptus trees and the height depends on the species. The smallest are around 6 feet and the tallest is around 330 feet. There are over 500 species of eucalypts. Growing conditions can also greatly affect the mature height.

Where does paper grow?

paper doesn't grow! the trees grow and we make the trees into paper! paper doesn't grow! the trees grow and we make the trees into paper!

Which one is bigger 4000m or 40km?

It is 40km because 4000m equals 4km

How tall does a maple tree get?

There is no set height on a Maple tree. These trees can grow infinitely in many cases if left alone.

Is it safe to grow conifers beside your house?

Conifers are plants like pine trees etc.These trees grow to quite a large height so it depends on how close to your house it is. I would advise not to plant it within 5meters of your house

Do diamonds grow on trees?

No, but wouldn't that be cool?!?