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Q: Which tutoring program is better kumon or huntington?
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What are the best math tutoring programs for a second grader?

There are many great math tutoring programs for a second grader. TouchMath, Smart Tutor, Sylvan Learning, and Kumon are great math tutoring programs for a second grader.

Where can you get your omri tech training?

You can get OMRI technician training from tutoring centers such Kaplan Center or the Princeton Review Learning Center. Kumon also offers tutoring for training as well.

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What is Kumon?

Kumon is a one-on-one tutoring method that emphasizes taking all the time needed to completely understand a topic (usually related to either math or reading) before moving on to a more advanced one. There are over 25,000 Kumon centers worldwide.

Which one is better Beestar or Kumon?

Beestar is definetly better because one time my daughter signed up for Kumon for help on math (algebra) and they ended up giving my daughter review from 4th grade(fractions) I had continued this for 3 months and she is still on fractions because Kumon isn't letting her do Algebra. When I tried Beestar, it worked so much better for my daughter. One, it was an online class, so i didn't have to drive to Kumon. Two, you can pick your own subjects instead of having to do review. Three, it is more convenient. Those of you out there reading this, please consider Beestar it is so much better. Thanks! Tiffany

What places offer tutoring in math?

There are many great tutoring centers such as Kumon and Sylvan. Another way to guarantee his success is getting assistance from the teacher that he is learning from. Sometimes tutoring centers can get pricey, so you could always put a ad up on craigslist to find someone who will do it for a more reasonable price.

What's the best place for looking at tutoring jobs for a teen?

IF you want your son to get an online job, you can visit the following sites;,,, Plus, you can visit Sylvan or Kumon tutoring centers located around in the general area.

Why did the man who made Kumon call it Kumon?

Kumon Learning Centers, and the Kumon method they teach, are named for their creator, Toru Kumon.

Does the Kumon tutoring program help with SHSAT prep?

Nope. Kumon is a program designed to make you repetitively learn mathematics and English. In other words, they drill you. The shsat is a thinking test, not a test of the same questions. Therefore, you need to learn, in your math, how to think in different ways. As a rule of thumb, your math should be at psat level, and your English varies. For scrambled paragraphs, make your own essays, and figure out why they flow to the next sentence. As for your logical reasoning, who said studying cant be fun? And as for your reading, go to the library. Good luck!

Where can I go to a good writing school?

There are tutoring programs offered by many different business. Places such as The Kumon Center for Kids for example, offer these programs in many cities and to people of all ages.

Where does Toru kumon live?

In Kumon Office

Where can I get some help with math so I can do better in my tests?

If you really need the help, there are sites online which offer tutoring videos, or you could go to someplace that offers tutoring like Sylvan or Kumon or perhaps your school may be able to help you out.