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The first Apollo manned Apollo mission to get of the ground was Apollo 7. This 11 day mission was simply a test flight of the command and service module. The second Earth only Apollo flight was that of Apollo 9. The purpose of this flight was to test the Lunar module to make sure the descent engine and ascent engined worked flawlessly.

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Q: Which two apollo mission's objective was to orbit the earth safely?
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What is the definition of Apollo missions?

There really isn't a definition of the Apollo missions so much as a purpose for the Apollo Program as well as a purpose for each mission that supported the goal of the Apollo Program. The Apollo Program was a program that ran from 1963-1972 with the purpose of safely placing a man on the moon as well as safely bringing him back to Earth. Of all the missions, two orbited the Earth, two orbited the moon, one (Apollo 13) was supposed to land on the moon but malfunctioned, slungshot around the moon and safely returned to earth leaving six missions that actually landed on the moon and returned safely to Earth.

Did Apollo 17 make it back to earth?

Yes, all Apollo missions returned safely to Earth. No human has ever died in space (though there have been astronauts that died on re-entry).

What was the main objective of the Apollo project?

To land a man on the moon and return him safely to the face of the earth, before the end of the decade. 1969

What is the mission for the Apollo 11 missions?

The Apollo 11 was a race to the moon with the U.S.s.R. And John Kennedy set the target as December 31 1999 as the day to land a A, American on the moon and return him safely back to the earth.

Which moon mission burnt up in the atmosphere?

None of the Apollo missions burned up in the atmosphere. All returned safely to Earth. None, although Apollo 13 experienced an explosion in the command module but that was in space, outside the Earth's atmosphere halfway between the Earth and the Moon.

Related questions

Did Apollo 17 land back to the earth?

Yes. In fact all Apollo missions returned safely to Earth.

What is the definition of Apollo missions?

There really isn't a definition of the Apollo missions so much as a purpose for the Apollo Program as well as a purpose for each mission that supported the goal of the Apollo Program. The Apollo Program was a program that ran from 1963-1972 with the purpose of safely placing a man on the moon as well as safely bringing him back to Earth. Of all the missions, two orbited the Earth, two orbited the moon, one (Apollo 13) was supposed to land on the moon but malfunctioned, slungshot around the moon and safely returned to earth leaving six missions that actually landed on the moon and returned safely to Earth.

Did Apollo 17 make it back to earth?

Yes, all Apollo missions returned safely to Earth. No human has ever died in space (though there have been astronauts that died on re-entry).

What is the main objective of the Apollo mission?

The main objective was to land man on the moonand to return him safely to earth, he was to collect moon rocks and leave experiment instruments on the moon.

What was the main objective of the Apollo project?

To land a man on the moon and return him safely to the face of the earth, before the end of the decade. 1969

Is Apollo a space probe?

No the Apollo Program was a set of missions whose purpose was to land men on the moon and return them safely back to Earth. The spacecraft used were the part of that program, and often referred to as the Apollo capsule, LM, etc.

What is the mission for the Apollo 11 missions?

The Apollo 11 was a race to the moon with the U.S.s.R. And John Kennedy set the target as December 31 1999 as the day to land a A, American on the moon and return him safely back to the earth.

Which moon mission burnt up in the atmosphere?

None of the Apollo missions burned up in the atmosphere. All returned safely to Earth. None, although Apollo 13 experienced an explosion in the command module but that was in space, outside the Earth's atmosphere halfway between the Earth and the Moon.

Why was Apollo 11 called Apollo 11?

Apollo 11 was named after the Apollo program, which aimed to land a person on the Moon and bring them safely back to Earth. The number 11 designates that it was the eleventh mission in the Apollo program's series of lunar missions.

What happen on the Apollo 11 and Apollo 13 what were the differentces?

The Apollo 11 went to the moon and returned safely to earth. But Apollo 13, did not land on the moon, as it exploded on the way to the moon, but it returned safely.

Did Apollo 13 make it back to earth?

Yes apollo 13 did make it safely to earth with all the three astronauts.

Can you safely launch and return space shuttles?

No. Some Apollo missions got held down on overheat. Apollo 14 missed and failed the mission. Also, Apollo 14 got crashed, but ran down to a %17 air tank! It landed safely on the crust of the Earth. But in space, it had suspension problem and the boosters turned back to %30 turbo.