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Q: Which two crops increase the demand for slave labor?
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Reasons caused the rapid increase of slave labor after 1680?

Possibly the dependency of slave labor for cotton production that was in high demand. It was cheep and demand was high.

Why did demand for enslave workers increase in the Carolinas?

Two crops came to dominate Carolina agriculture. In the 1680s planters discovered that rice grew well in the wet coastal lowlands. Growing rice required much labor, and the demand for slave labor rose. Another important crop was indigo.

What was the effect of the labor movement?

The growing demand for slaves led to an increase in the slave trade within the U.S.

What was required to make plantations cash crops a source of wealth?

Slave Labor ~

How did the colonists profit from the. slave. trade?

They used slave labor to produce cash crops.

Was there a high demand for slave labor in the south?

There was a high demand for slave labor in the south because the southern colonies had warm climate and fertile soil which made farming it's main economy.There were longer growing seasons which made more plants and crops to be grown.This meant more slaves to work on plantations for people.

Large farms that used slave labor for its crops?


Cash crops in the new world?

Slave labor was needed.

Why was there a high demand for slave labor Carolinas?

growing rice required much labor,so the demand for slaves increased.

Why was there a high demand for slave labor in Carolina?

growing rice required much labor,so the demand for slaves increased.

Why was there high demand for slave labor in the Carolina's?

growing rice required much labor,so the demand for slaves increased.

Why was Saint-Domingue one of the richest colonies in the Caribbean?

It used slave labor to grow cash crops for the world market.