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In England, cesium is spelled caesium, and aluminum is spelled aluminium. I don't know about the rest of Europe.

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Sulfur and Caesium have alternative spellings in Europe as sulphur and caesium, respectively.

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Q: Which two elements on the periodic table have alternative spellings in Europe?
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What element is named after a contonant?

The element named after a consonant is Carbon, which is symbolized as 'C' on the periodic table.

What elements came out of chernobyl?

Following the Chernobyl nuclear disaster in 1986, various radioactive elements were released into the environment, including isotopes of iodine, cesium, strontium, and plutonium. These elements contaminated the surrounding area and spread across Europe, impacting the health of individuals and ecosystems. Efforts were made to contain and mitigate the spread of these radioactive elements in the aftermath of the disaster.

What is the element name of the continent of Europe?

Africa - 30,300,000 sq km Antarctica - 14,000,000 sq km Asia - 44,700,000 sq km Australia - 7,686,850 sq km Europe - 9,940,000 sq km North America - 24,360,000 sq km South America - 17,770,000 sq km

What is similar about modern and ancient definition of elements?

In ancient times, the four (or five, depending if you were in Europe or Asia) elements, fire, water, earth, and air (In Asia, it was fire, water, air, wood, and metal) were thought to make up all things. In modern day, elements are still though to compose all matter, but we know that there's a lot more than just four or five (and that none of the classic elements were actually elements, except for metal, which could be an element. Most classical elements are what we now call compounds)

What is a element named after a place?

Assuming your question is What is a property of an element, elements have the same chemical properties no matter how small they are chemically divided. jeremy is not wierd he is awesome

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What are the two elements of the periodic table named after continents?

The two elements named after continents are europium (named after Europe) and americium (named after America).

What are the elements of arts in Europe?

• Elements of Art in Europe • Point • Line • Shape and Form • Value • Color • Texture • Space

What is the only correctly spelled word of these Mediterranean talahassee or Cincinnati?

Mediterranean (the sea separating Europe from Africa) The correct spellings of the others are Tallahassee and Cincinnati.

Where is slovania located?

Note spellings, I don't know which country you mean: Slovenia is part of former Yugoslavia. Slovakia is part of former Czechoslovakia. Both are in Europe. See an up to date map of Europe for the exact locations.

Is solar energy an alternative fuel source?

An organization of economic and political union of some of the countries of Europe.

What has the author Eric Humphreys written?

Eric Humphreys has written: 'The Alternative Holiday Guide to Golfing in Europe'

What is arctic char?

An arctic char is an alternative name for the saibling, a member of the char family of fish native to Europe.

Is reiki healing aproved?

Reiki is an alternative healing modality that is being recognized by main stream medical practice. In the US and all over Europe Reiki is provided as an alternative or supplemental therapy in hospitals.

What are some alternative treatments for depression?

St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum ) is used throughout Europe to treat depressive symptoms.

What ranking does Air Europe have in Spain?

There is no such company or airline called Air Europe that exists currently in the US or any other country. A possible alternative might be Air Europa, which in Spain has a lower rating than British Airways.

What is an 'alternative foreign market?

Depends on the context... Two likely answers are a foreign market that is an alternative to a traditional market. For example, Europe is a tradional market, turkey or kazakstan might be a less obvious and therefore an alternative market. Or, the second way of looking at it might be that the usual foreign markets are considered, but an alternative product or service is considered. For example, tradional investment markets are stocks or bonds. An alternative might be real estate, private investments, or real estate. So, an alternative foreign market might be one of non-stocks in a foreign country. hope that helps

What are the elements of the fur trade?

natives, beavers,fashion in Europe, coureurs de bois, birchbark canoes and merchants