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natural gas and carbon dioxide hope this helps with all your year 4 homework, it helped me in year 4xx

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Q: Which two fuels burn the most often in power stations?
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What fossil fuels do we burn in power stations?

they burn fossil fuels like coal, fuel oil, and oil shale

What do power stations burn most often?

In the USA its coal.

When you burn fuels in power stations what chemical is released?

It really depends on what the people are burning it can range from oxygen to carbon monoxide

What are two things that burn fossil fuel?

Power stations and auto mobiles are two things that use fossil fuels.

How is wood used as a source of energy in our daily lives?

Most often, we simply burn it in a fire or stove. There are a few power stations which burn wood chips.

A sentence with the word biomass?

The word "biomass" most commonly refers to fuels that are derived from biological sources. An example of a sentence using the word "biomass" is "Many power stations are being redesigned in order to burn biomass rather than fossil fuels. "

Where does fuel for power stations come from?

Presuming you mean fuel that is burned, coal, oil and gas come from underground mines and wells. Some experimental or small scale stations burn rubbish or biomass such as elephant grass grown for the purpose. Nuclear stations don't burn anything, but their raw material is often called fuel. This is often uranium, which is also mined.

What are good things about hydroelectric power?

they don't burn fossil fuels

Why do power plants burn fossil fuels?

Power plants like Thermal Power Plant burn fossil fuels to heat water and then water turn into steam that creates enough pressure to run the turbines.Turbines rotate and electricity is formed.

How do you get energy from fossil fuels?

Burn them - the heat can then be used to power things.

How does a nuclear power station differ from a fossil fuel burning power station?

unlike fossil fuel power stations that burn coal, oil or gas nuclear power stations use atoms to keep it brief: the atoms in the reactor split apart and releases heat energy. unlike the fossil fuel power stations which just simply burn fossil fuels another difference is that nuclear power can be very dangerous and can have disastrous effects if something goes wrong, an example of this would be the disaster at Chernobyl in Russia. also the nuclear power plants produce a large amount of radioactive waste which can take millions of years to degrade. please add to this