

Which two inner planets have moons?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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There is only one inner planet with two moons, and that is planet Mars. They are named Phobos and Deimos.

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Q: Which two inner planets have moons?
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Which two inner planets do not have moons?

Mercury and Venus do not have moons.

Among all the planets which planets have moons?

All except the inner two.

Do inner planets have few or many moons?

The inner planets of our solar system have few or no moons. Mercury and Venus have none, Earth has one, and Mars has two.

What are two characteristics of inner planets?

Made of rock and have few or no moons.

Could do the inner planets have lots of moons?

No, the inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars) have very few moons compared to the outer planets. Mercury and Venus have no moons, Earth has one moon, and Mars has two moons. The outer planets have larger numbers of moons in comparison.

Do all inner planets have moons?

No. Mercury and Venus have no moons.

What has many moons inner planets or outer planets?

the inner plants have a total of three moons. our moon, and two moons of mars. Phobos, and Deimos. but the out planets have many more moons. Neptune has the least amount of moons out of all the outer planets. it has 13 moons. but, the other outer planets have way more. Jupiter even has 63. of course, there are probably many more moons still to be discovered. well, not for earth and mars. in total, the outer planets must have at least 100 moons.

Do the inner planets share the same moon?

No. The moons of a planet belong to that planet alone. Of the inner planets, Mercury and Venus have no moons, Earth has one large moon (the moon), and Mars has two small moons named Phobos and Deimos.

What inner planets have no moon?

Mercury has no moons Venus has no moons Earth has 1 moon (Of course) Mars has 2 moons And that's all the inner planets HOPE IT HELPED :)

What inner planets have moons?

Earth and Mars

Which inner planets have at least one moon?

Earth (with one moon) and Mars (with two moons). Mercury and Venus do not have any moons.

Does Mercury have inner planets?

Mercury is an inner planet. It does not have any moons.