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Q: Which two layers of soil are likely to contain humus?
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Which 2 layers of the soil are least likely to contain humus?

the two layers are sub soil The layer of soil that has little or no humus in it is the subsoil. The top layer of the soil has the most humus in it because the dead leaves fall from the plant and go back into the soil.

How many layers of soil?

3 layers of different kinds of soil is you count humus,5, (humus, topsoil, midsoil, poor soil, bedrock, you can call it 3 though, humus isn't actual soil its dacayed plants and animals)

would you find humus in what layers soil?

The A horizion

Which of the layers is most likely to contain pests?

the surface layer and top soil

What are the three layers of soil but not humus?

all i know the three types of soil are top soil sub soil and bedrock

What do worms do that allows water and air to gett to the lower layers of soil?

they get humus, all of the soil will die.

What is in organic soil layers?

Dead and decayed remains of plants and animals, called Humus.

What is the soil type in the Amazon Basin?

The soil type in the amazon basin is thicker then then andean rainforest it contains fertile layers of humus, which has three layers and it's contained in the amazon soil...

Where are you likely to find dark-rich soil in a soil profile?

you are likely to find dark, humus-rich soil in an A-horizon profile because that's where dark soil is found & the composition is the particles of weathered rock materials mixed with humus.

What best describes forest soil?

More organic matter in the humus layerthan in deeper layers.

Where will the layers of soil most likely be the thinnest?

where will the layers of soil most likely be the thinnest

Which contains the most humus?

soils have different layers present in it as the depth increases. These layers are called horizons. Humus as we all know is present in the top layer of the soil,which is several inches in thickness and is called A horizon.