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Q: Which two molecules make the kidneys retain sodium?
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Why is it important to moderate your sodium intake?

too much sodium can cause stones in your kidneys, hypertension and can make your weight unbalanced

What hormone increases excretion of electrolytes by the kidneys?

Aldosterone, secreted by the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal gland, will make your kidneys excrete more potassium and acid in urine, but it will make your kidneys absorb more sodium.

Is sodium fattening?

Sodium is a mineral in salt which has an affinity for water. Increasing your intake of salt brings with it extra water therefore making a person heavier. It is water, however and NOT FAT. Therefore is temporary until your kidneys excrete the extra water it does NOT MAKE YOU FAT in the sense that you are storing extra fat deposits.

Can sodium make you fat?

sodium is salt, so it makes you retain water, which makes you bloat so you will feel fat, not necessarily look fat.

Large molecules like?

Sodium borate! when sodium and boron combine, they make enormous chains that can sometimes be easily visible to the human eye.

What biological mechanism senses a drop in the osmolarity of the blood when you are deyhydrated?

Among other things, the Kidneys regulate blood fluid levels and electrolyte balance. If one is dehydrated, the kidneys reabsorb more sodium via the "thousands" of nephrons that make up the body of the kidney. As a physiological rule, fluids follow a concentration gradient, so, in this case, water follows sodium and the body will retain more water. Here is a great link on kidney function:

What molecules make salt?

The molecule of salt (sodium chloride, NaCl) contain chlorine and sodium. In this case a more correct name is formula unit.

Do molecules combine to form atoms?

Yes. For example, one sodium atom and one chlorine atom combine to make sodium chloride, commonly known as table salt. Two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom make water.

What may happen to the sodium content in the urine of a person who increased his or her intake of sodium chloride?

the sensory division of pns will detect the change of high amount of sodium.and ADH antidiuretic hormone will be released for the reabsorption of sodium.and kidneys will filter sodium and make the urine appropriate to eliminate.

That Na and Hg in vapour state exist as monoatomic molecules?

that would make it the gaseous atoms if they are exist in "monoatomic"molecules and the answer is yes.mercury vapor and sodium vapor lightening depend upon that fact

When table salt sodium chloride (NaCl) is placed in water?

Because its molecules (sodium bound ionically to chlorine) can spread out within the water (H2O) molecules. The polar water molecules attract both the sodium (positive ions) and the chlorine (negative ions). You may be interested to know that you can dissolve 34 grams of salt in 100 cm3 of water at 10 degrees C.

Clinical significance of protein in urine?

If there is protein in urine, there is something wrong with the filtration process in the kidneys. Normally, proteins molecules that are too large to enter the filtrate in the nephron of the kidney. If protein were to make it into the filtrate, then the kidneys are taking too much out of the blood and that could be disasterous