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Q: Which two plates are spreading at iceland?
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What are spreading boundaries?

Spreading boundaries are places where two plates move apart.

What country is split by two tectonic plates?


What country in the north Atlantic was formed by two tectonic plates moving apart?

Iceland. It was formed by the divergent boundary between the North American and Eurasian plates.

Does two plates moving apart cause sea floor spreading?

yes it does, floor spreading caused by shifting techtonic plates in active ocean

What happens to spreading boundaries?

SPREADING ZONES Spreading zone occurs in the border of two tectonic plates. This happens when the plates generally move away from each other creating an opening for the magma to force through the surface.

Iceland is located on the boundary of what two tectonic plates?

The North American & the Eurasian

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of?

A spreading ridge, where two plates diverge.

What country straddles two plates?

Iceland sit on top of a divergent plate boundary.-Dayshia L.

What does Iceland sit on?

Iceland sits atop two plates, the Eurasian Plate and the North American Plate, also referred to as the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

What is spreading in regards to geology?

Spreading is generally thought of when speaking of sea-floor spreading. Sea-floor spreading takes place at the mid-ocean ridge where two oceanic plates are spreading/pulling apart from one another.

What is it called when two oceanic plates move apart and new crust is formed?

Seafloor Spreading

What is it called when two ocean plates move apart and new crust is formed?

Seafloor spreading