

Which two southern states did slaves work at?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Texas, kuntucky

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Q: Which two southern states did slaves work at?
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How long before the border states slaves were freed were the southern states slaves freed?

two years.

In 1860 two states had more slaves in their populations than free people. Which states were they?

Southern states. There were 4 million slaves.

Which two southern states held more slaves than whites in population?

South Carolina and Mississippi.

What are some reason for southern states to secede from the union?

Some of them are for freedom. Also for the right to keep slaves. Those are only two reasons, but there are more.

What did northern an southern states disagree over the most at the Constitutional Convention?

The northern and southern states had two major disagreements at the convention. The North disagreed with the use of slaves, and the South disagreed how people were elected to office.

What are two things the emancipation proclamation accomplish?

The Emancipation Proclamation freed slaves in the slave owning Southern states. It also ordered that those among the freed slaves who were capable of serving in the Union Army were eligible to enroll and be paid for that military service.

Who were the two forces fighting in the civil war?

The Northern States and the Southern States!

Did families in the south own slaves?

yes. in the early history of America, it was almost necessary for southern plantation owners to have slaves. But most families in the south only had one or two slaves.

What two Southern States have less than 50 percent of forested land?

The two southern states have less than 50 percent of forested land are Texas and Oklahoma.

In what two ways did president Lincoln expand his presidential powers during the?

At the beginning - jailing Southern sympathisers in Maryland without trial. At the midpoint - issuing the Emancipation Declaration, announcing freedom for slaves in states he did not control.

Why did the cilvil war begin?

The American Civil War, or as it is properly known as the War Between the States, was caused by the industiral northern states placing high tariffs on southern agricultural goods such as cotton. The southern states resented this action. Slavery was also an issue even though some northern states held slaves. The two sections of our country could not come to an agreement on either issue and war ensued.

What two states had a little to none slaves in 1790?

Massachusetts, and New York