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Veins. The inner layer of veins (the tunica intima or tunic interna) forms valves to reduce backflow because. Veins have lower blood pressure than arteries and are often fighting against gravity, so the prevention of backflow is essential.

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Q: Which type of blood vessels (artery or vein) has valves?
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What type of blood vessels carries blood away from the heart?


What type of blood vessels have values?

Veins have valves, arteries don't.

What kind of muscle tissue would you find in the blood vessels?

Arteries have smooth muscle in their walls. The smaller the artery is, the less muscle is found. Veins have none, they count on the skeltal muscles to move blood back to the heart. The veins also have valves which prevent back flow.

What type of blood does the artery carries?

artery carry pure blood but pulmanary artery carry improve blood to lungs from heart

Which type of blood vessels will oxygenated blood be found?

Arteries (except for the Pulmonary artery (which caries ed-oxygenated blood) and pulmonary vein (which carries oxygenated blood ))

What type of blood does the pulmanary artery carry?

The pulmanary artery carries oxygen poor blood.

Which type of blood vessels flow contaminated blood to the heart?

the type of blood vessels which flow contaminated blood to the heart are known as VEINS

What type of muscle is associated with blood vessels?

The smooth muscle type is associated with blood vessels. This muscle type is involuntary.

What type of blood vessels carries blood and to the cells?

Canary blod vessels

Which type of vessel carries blood away from the heart?

Arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry blood into the heart.

What type of blood vessels surrounds the alveoli?

The smallest blood vessels of the body = capillaries

What type of blood does an artery carry?

oxygenated blood oxygenated blood oxygenated blood