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the 2 are called canon G9 and Sigma DP1

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Q: Which type of camera is inexpensive and usually small enough to be carried in a shirt pocket?
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Would a flash on a camera hurt a guinea pig?

As long as the camera is far enough and you're not taking 20 pictures at a time your pig should be ok.

Is Mobile integrated camera better than digital camera?

Maybe the digital camera is of higherpixelseven more than what you really need .. if you don't intend to capture high resolution photos the integrated camera is more than enough moreover the integrated one will a company you all the time so you will not miss the wonderful events that may not be repeated.. If you capture forprofessionalmedia production, the digital camera is a must.

Are 0.8mp for a video camera good enough?

Yes 0.8MegaPixels are fine for a video camera It's maximum resolution is 1024×768 whereas a modern 3MP HD camera is 1920x1080. Many well known manufacturers produced 0.8MP cameras usually recording onto a MiniDV tape. Video capture is a different process to still capture so there is a considerable lag between the MP count for video and still cameras. But don't be fooled by the megapixel myth. (See links below)

Was Sparta farming carried out mainly by individual families which grew just enough for themselves?

The farming was mostly carried out by serfs - who delivered half their produce to Sparta for distribution to its citizens. This freed the citizens to concentrate on fitness and training for war.

How much did it cost to make a camera?

The first digital video camera had a cost of $490.00. Now a day, video cameras are not too expensive, as they are not really used.

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Is 4800 digital camera durable and inexpensive?

This question is not detailed enough to provide a good answer, but I'm guessing that it is about a Nikon Coolpix 4800. This is a review of the camera:

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Becaus ist strong enough and inexpensive enough and light enough.

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One disadvantage of having inexpensive car insurance is that you might not have enough coverage.

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B/c it was strong enough and inexpensive enough.

Canon Gadget Bag have enough room to hold all your camera accessories as well as the camera?

Yes it's a large enough bag for most users.

Such as smartphones and tablets are small computers we carry with us?

Yes, smartphones and tablets are small enough computers we can carry with us. Smartphones are usually carried in a pocket! Laptops, though larger, are still also small and light-weight enough to be transported, usually in a briefcase or a backpack.

How good is the iPhone camera?

not good enough :P.

Where can one have a Butterfly Brooch repaired?

A butterfly brooch is a beautiful addition to any outfit. If one is unlucky enough to need repairs done, these can usually be carried out quickly and cheaply at a jeweler.

What camera should be used for green screening Does it have to be a certain kind or model?

yes it has to be a movie camera so it is light enough to see

What is a cheap, but durable camera to buy for a teenager?

Unbiased digital camera reviews, advice, and prices Other toy cameras, such as the Vtech Kidizoom Camera, aren't waterproof but are durable enough to survive a few falls. bold colors and are trendy enough for teenagers to carry around too. My experience - don't buy your child a cheap camera.

Can a camera take videos?

Yes. You're camera has to be capable of taking videos and has to have enough space on the memory card as well to take the videos.

Why are dolls made out of plastic?

It looks good enough, it's easy to shape and it's fairly inexpensive.