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Q: Which type of cellular process will most likely be used by an amoeba in order to obtain food?
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How does amoeba obtain it food?

Amoeba has flexible cell membrane. It enables amoeba to engulf in food by the process called endocytosis.

Does an amoeba have a choloroplast?

Most amoeba do not have chloroplasts. However, recent studies show that amoeba can obtain choloroplasts from engulfing photosynthetic alga.

How does the amoeba obtain oxygen and carbon dioxide?

An amoeba lives in an aqueous environment; some oxygen from the air will normally dissolve into the water (or, oxygen is released by plants living in the water) and oxygen will enter the amoeba by the process of diffusion.

How does movement of paramecium compare to that of amoeba?

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What types of cell go through the process of cellular respiration?

All cells must respire, as this is the way they obtain the energy to live.

What is the name of the process that happens in your cells at normal temperatures to obtain energy from food and oxygen?

cellular respiration. occures in the mitochondria of cell.

Why do organisms cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is one of the processes that cells perform. Organisms do not perform this process. Instead they perform respiration. Cells use cellular respiration to obtain one of the three sources needed for them to live- oxygen. Without this process, cells would not be able to perform other functions.

What uses pseudopod to move through their environment and obtain food?

An amoeba

What uses a pseudopod to move through their environment and obtain food?

An amoeba