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Q: Which type of democracy holds that government should do whatever the majority of citizens want it to?
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What is democracy in the purist form?

Where people decide their leader for whatever organization based on the opinion of the vast majority of people. A complete contrast to democracy in North America.

What rights do citizens have in republic?

to get freedom from the government and have rights

Is the US a democracy why or why not?

In a democracy you have majority rules. The can make whatever law they want because they have no constitution or charter to limit them. The USA doesn't have a democracy. It has a federal constitutional republic which is supposed to rule based on the constitution. It's meant to be limited by what the constitution allows.

How do authoritarian Democratic different from government?

Authoritarian governments have permission to do whatever while the US government have limitations on what they are allowed to do and the citizens make most of the decisions.

What type of government did colony Connecticut have?

Connecticut had a representative government on account of the Fundamental orders of Connecticutestablished in 1639.

How did Christianity contribute to the democracy?

Christianity is independent of democracy. In democratic societies, Christians often lobby the government and people to pass a Christian agenda (whatever that means). Sometimes Christianity is anti-democratic.

Why real democracy is not possible without universal adult franchise?

First, define democracy. If you mean representing the wish of the majority of the people, then ALL people will need the franchise. There HAVE been "democracies" where the franchise was limited to adult land owning free males that were born there.

Why is the h word the d word the sh word the f word BAD words?

Each of the words that this question hints at are not 'bad words' in fact their usage is Constitutionally protected in the United States and many countries around the world. The majority of people have developed a system of government called a Democracy, this Democracy allows the majority to act, even if in violation of rights, to enforce whatever laws or rules they decide. This "Majority" has pressured society, lawmakers, regulatory bodies, and other forms of government as well as online content providers, to bend to their will and classify some words, types of speech, and its expression as "against the law," "Obscenities or Vulgarities."

What rights do people have when their government becomes destructive?

They have the right to alter or abolish the government by whatever organ best suited to the accomplishment of that task.

What made direct democracy so successful?

I would argue that direct democracy is not successful at all. In a true democracy every legal citizen would have an equal say in EVERY decision made. What we have here in the United States is not a true democracy. We have a mix of direct democracy and elected representatives. Some drawbacks to a complete democracy would include; decisions take alot of time and in times of war we need quick action, my ten year old brother would have just as much say in the functionings of our government as a US senator, and it would be a tyrannic rule by the majority-51% of the population could force the other 49% to do whatever they please.

If journalists are meant to have a role in the function of democracy how are they accountable and who elects them?

Journalists help protect democracy by keeping the government honest by reporting on the actions of government and making governments actions open for all to see and read about. They are accountable though their reputations and readerships, and also through their editor and the hierarchy in whatever company they work for. It is true that they aren't elected, but not everyone in a democracy is elected, Judges aren't elected and that is viewed as a positive in democracy.

Government in which leaders have absolute power and citizens have no rights?

No government form has unlimited power in the world (eventually other countries will intervene), but in a dictatorship, the dictator can do virtually whatever he wants.