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Sata drive

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Q: Which type of drive is used for external data storage attaches using a 7 pin connector and has a maximum cable length of two meters?
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Which type of drive is used for external data storage attaches using a maximum cable length of two meters?


What is the meaning of external storage in computers?

External storage are computer hardwares that allows you to store files and other computer memorizes outside of the computer. External hard drive is a form of external storage and are generally portable.

Can we use external storage device in ipad air?

Yes, we can use the external storage device in the iPad air.

Define output unit?

In computers, a unit which delivers information from the computer to an external device or from internal storage to external storage

Does HP offer any type of internal storage for external drives?

There are two types of drives, either internal or external. An external drive would only offer external storage. It is kept internally on the external drive but that is all.

Knowing what external storage is for your computer?

Some companies that provide a place for external storage include United and Egbyte. They are very popular.

What is the maximum storage on the magnetic media?

Magnetic storage optical storage solid-state storage storage capacity

Is there external memory storage available for PDAs?

Depending on the PDA there are external memory storage which features an additional memory card that you are attached to the the PDA.

What is internal and external storage?

Data storage outside (external) or inside (internal) the computer. The location of where the information (files, etc) on your computer system/network.

Difference between internal storage and external storage of a computer system and give examples of each?

Internal storage of a computer means the memory type that resides inside the computer primarily the internal hard disk drives (or more modern solid state drives). External storage devices include the USB memories, External or network storage drives on which data is stored outside the main computer body.

How many classes of storage do you have?

In C there are four storage classes: automatic, external, register and static.

What is the storage capacity for the CD?

The maximum storage capacity of of a cd is up to 600 MB