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A cell with two copies of each chromosome is called a diploid cell.

A cell with one copy is called a haploid cell.

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Q: Which type of eukaryotic cell contains two types of each chromosome?
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What part of a cell contains chromosomes made of DNA?

In a eukaryotic cell, the chromosomes are located inside the nucleus. For a prokaryote, the single, circular chromosome is in the cytoplasm.

Why is the eukaryotic cell's DNA sometimes in chromosome form?

The DNA of the Eukaryotic cell is sometimes seen in chromosome form because of the simplicity of the cell. The more complex the organism, the less likely the DNA will be seen in chromosome form.

What contains genetic material of a eukaryotic cell?

The nucleus holds the cells genetic material in eukaryotes. The genome of eukaryotes is sequestered to a membrane bound organelle called the nucleus. The nucleus is the site of replication and transcription.

What cell has two of every kind of chromosome?

Eukaryotic Cells.

Where in the cell does the chromosome locared?

In eukaryotic cells the chromosomes are located in the nucleus.

What is it called if a cell contains a nucleus?

eukaryotic cell

What is in all eukaryotic organisms?

An eukaryotic cell is a cell that contains membrane bound organelles.

What ensures that each new eukaryotic cell receives a copy of each chromosome?

Mitosis results in two identical cells being produced from the original cell. A copy of each chromosome is made before the cell divides and one of each chromosome goes to each new cell.

In a eukaryotic cell what houses the chromosomes?

In eukaryotic Cells, the nucleus houses the Dna.

What contains cell wall and a nucleus?

A eukaryotic plant cell.

If a cell contains a nucleus what is it?

Eukaryotic cells

What cell contains the nucleus?

Eukaryotic cells