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Synchronous processing

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Q: Which type of gpo processing requires that each gpo must be read and applied completely before the next policy can be processed?
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What means that each policy must be read and applied completely before the next policy can be invoked?

synchronous processing

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How are analogical processes related to transfer of learning?

In electrical engineering and computer science, analog image processing is any image processing task conducted on two-dimensional analog signals by analog means (as opposed to digital image processing).

Does less processed foods mean natural foods?

Yes and no. Unprocessed foods are natural foods such as vegetables, grains, meats and fish. These are often consumed without mechanically, or chemically processing before reaching your kitchen. However, minimally processed foods, such as flour, cocoa, corn, butchered meats and so on are still natural. Highly processed foods such as cooking oils, boxed cereals, American cheese [not real cheese], frozen dinners, ...etc. obviously are not "natural" foods, but processed either chemically or mechanically. {cooking is a mechanical processing}. So processing does not necessarily determine if a food is "natural" but the more processing done the less natural a food may be. Organic foods and genetically engineered foods are two other categories which do not necessarily determine how "natural" a food might be. Genetically modified organisms might be labelled as "natural" just as organically grown foods can be processed such that they are no longer "natural". [for instance: organic American cheese] Note: Monosodium Glutamate [msg] is a highly processed salt substitute which is often labelled as a "natural flavoring". The label "natural" on food products can be, and is, applied liberally to both unprocessed and processed foods.

What is the first GPO applied during normal GPO processing?

Local GPO

What requires to make things happen?

an applied force or energy

What manner are user logon scripts applied in?

Asynchronous Processing: See textbook, page 149.

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non optimal regional velocity applied to your seismic data

Fundamental components of digital image processing?

The fundamental components of digital image processing are computer-based algorithms. Digital image processing allows a much wider range of algorithms to be applied to the input data and can avoid problems such as the build-up of noise and signal distortion during processing.

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Begin suturing the wound.

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What are some applications of electronic data processing?

There are many applications of electronic data processing today. Some applications include: banking transactions applied to account and customer master files, and billing for utility services.